Our Story
Hi, we’re Lacey & Gabriella and we’ve been friends for nearly 20 years. Over the course of our friendship we’ve shared progress reports on home renovation ideas and DIY projects, and we’ve also talked about the sort of jobs we’d love to undertake in our homes if only we had the right person to guide us and ask for advice along the way. Someone who we would feel comfortable asking a million questions and wouldn’t judge our experience level.
We built Matriarchy Build because we wanted to create a space to talk with a diverse group of women about renovation, design and DIY projects. And we didn’t want to offer up only polished, finished projects, but also show the messy, elbow-greasy, gritty parts too. Actually, those parts felt more important to us!
We had the idea to create online consultations with Pros nationwide so that wherever you are, you can find someone to talk to about what you are working on. Our Pros will give you support and guidance without jargon or patronizing language. They’ll meet you at your experience level and help you get the job done.
We are passionate about this community, and we are honored that you’re along for the ride with us. Fueled by the strength, determination, and entrepreneurial spirit of our moms, we are proud to share Matriarchy Build. Matriarchy Build is a Queer, Latina and Woman-Owned business.
See us featured in: TX Monthly, Domino, Fortune, Business of Home, Remodelista, NY Post, and Fine Homebuilding.